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Traveling on Plane

Relevant travel information

What measures will help prevent travel related diseases?

  • Learn about your destination, including health risks

  • Visit the travel clinic 4-6 weeks before departing

  • Have the recommended vaccinations

  • If you are visiting a malaria risk area be sure to continue taking your antimalarials drug for 4 weeks (doxycycline or mefloquine) or 7 days (atovaquone or proguanil) after leaving the risk area

  • Remember to pack all regular prescription medications, plus any recommended medications, insect repellants and other supplies

  • While travelling try not to take risks with your health and safety

  • Be careful about food and water, and wash your hands often with soap and water.

What symptoms or signs should prompt medical evaluation during travel?

  • Diarrhoea and fever above 38 C

  • Bloody diarrhoea

  • Fever or flu like illness if you are visiting a malaria risk area

  • Animal bite or scratch

  • Serious injury or motor vehicle accident or sexual assault

  • If you think you need emergency assistance contact your Travel Insurance Company or local Consulate

What symptoms or signs should prompt medical evaluation after returning home?

  • Fever

  • Persistent diarrhoea,stomach cramps and nausea.

  • Respiratory infection [ sinusitis sore throat cough and shortness of breath]

  • Skin lesions or rashes

  • Always tell your doctor that you have travelled especially if you have a fever or flu like illness for up to a year after you return from a malaria risk area.

Elderly travellers and travellers with significant medical conditions as well as those that are planning to participate in high risk activities should identify reliable medical facilities at their destination ahead of time and have medical evacuation insurance cover. The terms that policies offer vary and travellers must be instructed to compare policy details.


Travellers should avoid purchasing medicines locally in developing countries due to counterfeit or adulterated medications. Many health facilities in Developing Countries are sub-standard.


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